Sunday, February 16, 2020

Book Review #1

Book review? Where do you even start?

I really want to say "I really like this book" but thats understood already right? If the book sucks id just say "Book sucks" and the review would be very sussicnt. Do i have to explain WHY i think i like this book? It seems so subjective, I really like a buncha dumb shit.just at random uhh Wrasslin, ceramic cats and Arbys. I friggin LOVE arbys. they have the meats as you may have heard.

Does knowing what i like make for a good book review? i dont think so. Ok ok, what other things do i read reviews for? RESTURAUNTS, lets look at ARBYS!

ok Bill M here in NJ has a rave 4 star review... here is a snippit

"Hey it's an Arby's no big deal right?
Wrong!! You Couldn't Be Any More Wrong!!

This place is as Big of a Deal as their Big Meaty Sandwiches and that's Pretty BIG! HUGE in fact.

Man, there's enough Meat piled high on these things for you & me both, if... I was in a sharing type of mood,  Which I'm Not."

Bill is really all about that arbys, its a BIG DEAL. it says right there. I also love the way he capitalized Big Meaty Sandwiches. But as a review, is it helpful? It tells us more about Bill than anything. He is NOT sharing, so keep that in mind people in Bills dating group.

How does this help me write a book review? Im not sure yet. But some Delicious Piping Hot Arby's would probably help. Yeah yeah back to the book, but im not done thinking. Is knowing the plot of a book important in a review? because if i gotta tell you the story your better off just reading the book.

Ok, lets say this. If im reviewing a book its because i read all of it and it was interesting enough for ME to enjoy...

My first selection is Amped by Daniel H. Wilson.


its good (i cant help but tell you this) its got robots and brain implants and cyborgs and stuff. Im talking augmentations to the human brain that have changed the lives of millions for the better, but like anything it can be used as a weapon.

This is the kind of science fiction i really enjoy. it is SO close to being real, the leap from the page to the meatworld could be one innovation away. Its that kind of thinking that kept me reading this story.

THat really does not seem to be much of a review. thinking back on the book I'd say if you like the same stuff I do then that little bit of info is MORE than enough to get you interested in reading it.

on a scale from Josh did not finish this book to Josh finished this book i give it a "Josh Finished This Book" and then 3 gold stars. A fun read that lead me into more books by Daniel Wilson.

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